Why You Should Have An Ovarian Cancer Test
Ovarian cancer is one of the most lethal forms of gynecological cancer. Taking an ovarian cancer test can make it possible to detect the disease early on, and initiate treatment that may make it possible to save one or both ovaries as well as the life of the woman suffering with the cancer. However, far too many women do not take the time to talk with their physicians about how an ovarian cancer test works and what it can accomplish. Here are some of the reasons why you should make time to talk with your doctor and determine when you should undergo this form of testing.
Unlike some other types of cancer, ovarian cancer is not likely to display very many symptoms and warning signs as it develops. It is possible for a woman to develop the cancer and experience no noticeable changes in energy levels, mental outlook, sex drive, or even the monthly cycle. Often, the only sign is the gradual development of some swelling in the abdomen that may or may not be uncomfortable. This means women who have a history of ovarian cancer in their immediate family, or who have personal habits that place them at greater risk for the cancer, should take the time to have a test done on some sort of semi-regular basis.
The fact is that once ovarian cancer begins to develop, it can move quickly. Unless some form of test is used to diagnose the condition quickly, the cancer can easily spread from one ovary to the other, then begin to spread to the uterus, cervix, and vagina. Having an ovarian cancer test from time to time increases the chances of catching the cancer in its early stages, and taking action that can result in saving one or both ovaries, as well as the rest of the reproductive system.
Along with identifying the presence of ovarian cancer, it is not unusual for a test to also provide important data about the direction that the treatment for the disease should take. Depending on the findings from the test, it may be wise to utilize additional tests to obtain more data. In other cases, these tests may produce results that clearly indicate that the use of radiation or chemotherapy is recommended, or that surgery should take place as soon as possible. The sooner that the disease is successfully treated, the better chances the patient has for full recovery.
There is more than one type of examination and procedure that is identified as an ovarian cancer test. Depending on various risk factors, including family history, personal history, and environmental factors that may predispose you to the development of this form of cancer, a physician may choose to utilize two or more tests in tandem. It is important to remember that just because a doctor orders more than one type of ovarian cancer test, that does not mean that cancer actually is present. All it means is that the first test uncovered something that the doctor wants to investigate further before rendering a diagnosis.Some of the most common tests that your physician may undertake include a transvaginal sonogram, transabdominal ultrasound (ovarian cancer ultrasound), blood test, pap test, MRI Scan and a CT Scan.